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Marathon achievement for hearing dogs

A SOUTHAMPTON vet has successfully completed her third London marathon in just under five hours and raised £570 for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

Sponsorship was provided for Monique van Ouwerkerk by her clients at ‘Pet Vet’ and LEO Animal Health, who had previously supported her 2001 marathon run for Guide Dogs.

As a small animal vet, Monique was keen to raise funds for Hearing Dogs. Commenting on her motivation, she said: ‘Hearing Dogs for Deaf People is a fantastic charity. With a lot of love, time and training, these marvellous animals identify essential sounds for their owners, and people’s lives are transformed. I know the extra funds will be put to very good use.’

Monique van Ouwerkerk specialises in small animal dermatology. She joined a team of 38 in the 2003 London marathon who ran for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.