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SSPCA launches Bill to curb puppy trade

THE LONG-AWAITED Bill to crackdown on the insidious puppy farm trade between Ireland and Scotland has moved a step nearer with the launch of a major consultation document on the Bill by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

The Bill, put forward to the Scottish Executive by MSP Christine Graham has been incorporated to the extensive and detailed consultation document which is available to all interested parties.

The anti-puppy farming campaign group, the Waterside Action Group welcomed the document’s launch this week. Sectetary Ken McKie said: "WAG is delighted at the launch of the consultation document. Since our inception we have been campaigning vigorously for changes in legislation. Campaigning and obtaining media coverage can only go a short distance to end this trade. It will be by enforceable, sustainable and effective legislation that we will see and end to this.

"Although the legislation might, in our opinion, need to be stronger this Bill goes a long way to resolving all of the issues. We urge the public; animal welfare groups and charities to give this bill their support.

"We would also like to thank Christine Graham MSP for the member’s bill that has now formed into this consultative document."