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Richmond set to go ahead

Earlier this week Richmond secretary Dr Ron James confirmed that the show will go ahead at its Loseley Park venue, near Guildford next month. Although contingency plans to move the show had been examined, these will not now be actioned.

The press release said - ‘The venue for the Society’s forthcoming 2007 championship show remains within the "Surveillance Zone" established by DEFRA following confirmation of an outbreak of Foot & Mouth Disease on farm premises in the Guildford area on 3rd August 2007.

‘The advice received, following consultations with the owner of the venue, DEFRA and The Kennel Club, is that there are currently no restrictions on the holding of dog shows within a designated "Surveillance Zone".

‘A summary epidemiology report published by DEFRA on 9th August 2007 identifies three possible forward scenarios. The most likely scenario is that the virus is now fully dispersed and that any further cases should become apparent by 20th August.

It is thought unlikely that the virus has not yet fully dispersed and there is no evidence to support the worst case that there may have been an undetected spread of the virus.

‘Based on the advice received and the content of the epidemiology report the Officers and Committee intend to proceed with existing arrangements to hold the show at Loseley Park on 7th-9th September.

Contingency planning to hold the show at an alternative venue had reached an advanced stage but will not be implemented unless there are any developments to change our assessment of the situation.’


Protection measures are also in place at the Loseley Park estate where Mr Michael More-Molyneux’s family has lived for over 500 years.

Mrs F Griffin is unable to judge Shetland Sheepdogs. Mrs Sally Atkins has been appointed, subject to KC approval.