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Unit 1.01a Boat Shed, 12 Exchange Quay, Salford, M5 3EQ
Parking problem at Blackpool

Issue: 13/07/2018

In the light of the Melanie Raymond case, OUR DOGS have also been contacted by well known North West exhibitor Mr Wayne Docksey. Wayne recently attended what he calls his local show, Blackpool, both as an exhibitor and a spectator despite being in great pain from having spinal surgery only two weeks before.

In his own words, Wayne told OUR DOGS "On arrival at 9.45am  I explained to the official at the gate that I was disabled and could not walk any great distance without extreme pain, could he direct me to a parking position as close to the entrance to tent D as possible. Following his instructions I found a space directly opposite the entrance gate, parked my vehicle in full view of a committee member and two men dressed in florescent jackets who were directing traffic and exhibitors. Before vacating my vehicle, I placed my Blue Disabled Badge against the windscreen and placed my business card clearly showing my name and mobile telephone number printed. 

I opened the car door to exit and when fully opened it was approximately a foot away from the next vehicle with the same amount of passing room on the passenger side. I did not see nor was there any indication that I should not park there but was still in full view of the officials at the entrance gate several yards away. I put a thumbs up sign to them and one of the attendants signalled back the same. I slowly walked past them into the showground to the opposite side of the showground some considerable distance away. 

I was sat ringside but after about fifteen minutes an announcement came over the PA system asking for the owner of the vehicle with my registration number to return to their vehicle. I immediately started to return, stopping at about the half distance to rest my back, when there was another announcement saying my full name and for me to return to my vehicle. I hurried as fast as possible. 

As I arrived at the entrance gate I could see the committee member I had passed and who had clearly watched me park was standing in the entrance with the attendants who were also there on my arrival. On seeing my car I could see a senior officer of the committee leaning against the driver's side, as I approached the front of the car the officer who recognised me started wagging his finger furiously at me and said in a loud and highly intimidating manner "MOVE THE CAR NOW" to which I retaliated by wagging my finger back saying "There's no need for that, manners cost nothing if you had ask me politely I'll move it" the reply I received was "Move the f……..g car now or I'll have it towed away". 

I attempted to explain why I had parked in the position it was in and that it was not blocking anyone, there was no signage stating it should be kept clear and I had been clearly watched parking by the persons in attendance at the entrance gate, as exhibitors walked passed witnessing the committee member's aggressive behaviour. He carried on rudely wagging his finger and stating that he would call a tractor to tow it way and I should leave the show and that I would not be admitted at future shows or ever show my dogs at the show in the future, this was stated in front of the many who were witnessing his embarrassing behaviour. 

After making that statement and seeing that some exhibitors had stopped and were watching he left. The original committee member then approached me and looking embarrassed politely said you can more the car fifty yards up there and park indicating the direction. I thanked him and drove my car to the place he had pointed out. 

I once more entered the show and on returning to the ring to continue watching the breed, I was stopped by several exhibitors some of whom had witnessed the incident and sympathised with me, I was told that this behaviour was not unusual. I felt that his behaviour should be brought to the attention of the committee so I reported the whole incident to the Chairwoman of the show, explaining my disability. I have asked that this matter be brought to the attention of the full committee, which they informed would be done at the next committee meeting. I left them my business card and asked that I received a written apology for the secretary's actions towards me."

Mr Docksey has confirmed that he has made an official complaint to the Kennel Club and is awaiting their response.

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