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Dorwest’s Mary honoured with MBE

Mary Boughton of Dorwest Herbs, who was made an MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list in June, travelled to Buckingham Palace, with her husband Tony and children Roly and Joanna, to receive the award from Her Majesty the Queen earlier this month.

Mary received the award for services to business and the community in Dorset. As well as being a director of Dorwest Herbs, the leading company in the field of veterinary herbal medicine, Mary is involved in a number of business groups including roles with the National Office of Animal Health and the Federation of Small Businesses.

Dorwest Herbs is based in a country area and is an important part of the rural economy in Dorset, so it is not surprising that Mary speaks passionately about rural affairs and is determined that government should help to ensure that rural businesses are not disadvantaged by their location.

Mary said she was overwhelmed and delighted, "I was absolutely thrilled to receive such an honour. The investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace was a wonderful day and meeting all the other people who had been honoured for such a wide range of different services throughout the country was really interesting. It makes you realise how much so many different people do within their communities up and down the country. It was lovely to be part of it and to be recognised in this way."