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KC fee increases approved

Issue: 14/06/2024


As we go to press on Tuesday afternoon the Kennel Club General Meetings which started at 11.30 a.m. have just come to a close.
Due to time constraints and the range of agenda items which in total numbered 29 headings at today’s meetings, we are only reporting on headline issues with a full report on the meetings in next week’s issue.

Tony Allcock Chairman, Paul Eardley Vice-Chairman

One of the key items up for voting at this meeting was the proposal from the Board that various registration fees should be increased so as to correct the financial difficulty that the KC finds itself in. It suffered Operating Losses of £1.2 million in 2022 and £1.6 million in 2023. 
The most important of these increases was an uplift of £5 in the basic Registration Fee from £20 to £25. Some members had pointed out that this, added to last year’s increase of £3 from £17 to £20, would mean an increase of some 47% since the previous uplift in 2018, whereas inflation in that period had amounted to 26%.

Mark Beazley, Chief Executive of the Kennel Club pictured after the meeting

The KC Board had said: “The Board would value members support for the requested registration fee increases, helping to further stabilise and improve the Kennel Club’s financial resilience In the short term and supporting us in subsidising our loss-making areas, whilst we move into implementing key aspects of our longer term strategic plan. It is all possible and there is an exciting future, but we need members to continue to support the significant challenging and pivotal moment in the Kennel Club’s journey”
When the resulting votes on this proposal were announced it turned out that 71% were in favour of the move.

Janine Edgar, Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer

This means that having exceeded the required two thirds majority required, the £5 fee increase will be effective from 1st July.

Helen Kerfoot, Chief Canine Health, Events and Activities Officer
Following the retiral of Ron James due to the age rules, there were nine vacancies on the Board, eight for a three year period and one for a one year term.
The following existing Directors were re-elected

• Nicky Ackerley-Kemp
• Tony Allcock
• Jon Bailey*
• Sue Garner
• David Guy
• Robert Harlow
• Tom Mather 

The following new Directors were elected for the first time

• Caroline Kisko
• Gavin Robertson
The following failed to be elected

• Lee Janaway

*Elected for one year only.


In view of the difficult financial situation that the Club finds itself in, another important proposal was to create a Business Committee to run the commercial aspects of the Kennel Club’s activities.
This would consist of a maximum of six non-executive Directors/volunteers and five Executives. 
This proposal succeeded with a 96% vote in favour.


Although the ‘Royal’ Prefix was granted to the KC in April 2023, the formal name change at the Companies’ Office requires a 75% approval of members voting at a General Meeting or if conducted by postal ballot, a 75% majority of the entire membership. The postal vote held last November did gain a huge majority of those who voted but not the 75% majority of the entire membership needed for a postal vote.
At the Meeting held on Tuesday of this week the proposal gained a 91% majority and thus the registered name of the Kennel Club is now able to be changed in Companies’ Office records to ‘The Royal Kennel Club’.
The meeting adjourned at 2.40pm.

More details of the Kennel Club General Meetings will be given in next week’s edition of OUR DOGS.